Third Trip

Hint 1 of 10:
The fates send you to Ceres, use the south east rainbow.

Hint 2 of 10:
She suggests a shaft of crystal.  Have you seen any?

Hint 3 of 10:
Maybe in Oogabooga?

Hint 4 of 10:
In Malicia's room?  (Be careful to only enter if the dog is not barking.)

Hint 5 of 10:
Get the crystal from the lamp.

Hint 6 of 10:
Now how to charge the crystal shaft with light?

Hint 7 of 10:
Remember any good beams from earier?

Hint 8 of 10:
The temple in the desert has one, go there.

Hint 9 of 10:
Play the fife, then the north west rainbow slide.   
